Victor Pagan


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2026.

Interests: Full-Stack Development, Software Engineering, Robotics, Machine Learning, Algorithm Development


UHM Lost and Found Mock Website 2024

My groupmates and I created a mock website for a lost and found database for the UH Manoa campus.

Meteor Javascript MongoDB React Software Development

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ICS 212 Database Project 2023

An address database project that I developed for ICS 212.

C C++ Unix Vi

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ICS 211 Sudoku Solver Algorithm 2023

I created a recursive algorithm to solve any sudoku puzzle for my ICS 211 class.

Java Eclipse Algorithm

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Controller Navigation System 2023

A controller-integrated robot control webpage designed for the Ground Station control website in the Robotics and Space Exploration team at UH Manoa

Javascript React GitHub ROS Robotics

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What Even is 'Software Engineering'?

10 May 2024

Initial First Impressions ICS 314 at UH Manoa was the first (and so far only) Software Engineering course I took in my college journey as a Computer Science major, and going into it I honestly had no idea what to...

Software Engineering Computing Ethics Coding Standards Open-Source Software Development

The Rise of Artificial Unintelligence?

07 May 2024

I. Introduction AI has been a shaking revelation for the Software Development field as well as in the education process of the concepts pertaining to the subject. While it is not fully understood what effect it will have on the...

Computing Ethics Artificial Intelligence

Torvald's Theory of Developer Evolution

25 Apr 2024

A Confusing Concept When asked to write a technical essay about “design patterns” my group and I ran into during the development of our final project (which can be found on, I initially had no idea what that meant....

Design Patterns Development Process

Final Project Idea

28 Mar 2024

UH Lost and Found Authors: Victor Pagan, Jalen Lum, Eisen Hower Oallesma, Michelle Rasavong, Sierra Jansons-Dizon Overview The problem: Whenever an item is lost in UH, it can be difficult to figure out where it ends up since each department/building...

Software Engineering Meteor

Starting with a Setback

22 Feb 2024

The Mystery of My Mind The section in my ICS 314 course at UH Manoa focusing on UI frameworks has been the most difficult section of an ICS class I have ever taken so far. To be fair, this was...

UI Frameworks HTML/CSS Bootstrap 5

Does the Machine Know Best?

08 Feb 2024

Initial Impressions As part of my ICS 314 course on Software Development at UH Manoa, I had to learn how to properly implement and use coding standards in my IDEs such as ESLint, and unlike a lot of my classmates...

Coding Standards ESLint Javascript

See all 9 essays